Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Where exactly did the weight come from?

Back in the Spring my doctor told me I needed to lose like 100 pounds. Somewhere between Jr Year & now I have gained more weight than I care to know. The sad part is, I don't know when I gained it, how I gained it or why. That is not saying I gained 100 pounds in that short time. I have been overweight most of my life. It's just something I have come to terms with & never felt the need to change. I finally feel like I need to & I actually want to.
So like I was saying, I am totally bored with my diet. I don't want to eat anymore Cardboard Bars (Protein Bars), I miss french fires, pizza & rice. I have been craving Risotto for a week! I am hoping to get a gym membership by friday so I can tone up some. I know I can do it, I just need to add some variety to it. I think I am going to call my insurance company tomorrow & ask them if they have a Nutritionist in my area. I honest to God am just bored. I'm bored, but I am going to stick to it. The one thing
The one thing I CANNOT & WILL NOT do is restrict myself when I am out of town or on vacation. You don't travel to eat salda & drink water. So I won't! I can still be health conscious without fucking up my vacation with rice cakes.

Monday, August 28, 2006

58 why now?

Although I've been on this diet for a total of 58 days, this is my first journal entry. I am asking myself why?!?!?!? To be 100% honest, there is no real reason. It is just something I decided I wanted to do. Even if no one else reads it, it's like being able to share what I am feeling about what I am doing to the world without ever having to talk to anyone. I don't have to tell the same story over & over & repeat myself. This excites me. So come away with me on this rollercoaster ride!